It all begins

Unbelievably random stories, opinions, likes, name it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So Wednesdays and Sundays are two of the greatest days of the week. I know, really weird days to get excited about, but these are my break days. Don't get me wrong, I really love my job, but some days I just need to rest. You're probably thinking "Really Ben? You're tired? You don't even go to school!". Yes, that is true because I made a choice not to go to school. For one, if I went to school, it would make it a little difficult to work for the #3 Food Company of the "Fortune 500" companies. Being a shift manager at 20 years old is pretty bomb, if I may say so myself.

Anyways...back on subject. The point of this blog is to talk about how my day was...not to be self-indulgent or anything. My black friend Jill was in town ( I know there isn't any reason to point out that she's black, but we tease each other since we always get made fun of for being friends, since I'm a white guy and she's a taller black girl). She goes away for college but when she gets back in town, we pretty much do the same...exact...thing. South Bend, Indiana is known for being lame so we TEAR THIS TOWN APART by doing the following // going to the mall,  getting food, driving around, going to dollar general, then a movie //

          The mall is usually the first place we hit up. Normally we park right in front of the food court because, being fat ass Americans, we need our orange chicken from Panda Express. Its da bomb! After we slam down that meal in 10 minutes. We try to walk off those calories in the mall. Our mall just opened an Apple Store and it is tiiight. Its pretty interesting to go on the computers and iPads and count how many people log on to their Facebooks (that they haven't checked in an entire 3.8 seconds) and forget to log out. So as I was on an iPad, I noticed a girl forgot to log out of her Facebook. Being the respectful, honest young man...I decided to change her status. Don't worry, I didn't say anything THAT bad.

          Next, we usually drive around Grape Road (which is loaded with stores and other crap) and find something to do there. Eventually we got bored, and when this happens, we resort to going to a movie. Now, being intelligent fat-ass Americans, we NEVER buy the candy and pop from the theatre itself...we hit up Dollar General! Jill usually has a huge over-sized purse with her, so we just fill that right up with pop, candy, and sometimes chips and secretly sneak it into the theatre with us. We tried to stretch all this out because it was quite a while before "Meet the Fockers" started, but of course we got into our seats 35 minutes before the movie actually began. AND THE MOVIE WASN'T EVEN THAT GREAT!

          After all of that was over, I went home, watched American Idol with my family (which has strangely enough been a family event for 9 seasons....yeah yeah, don't hate), then of course got on Facebook and now I am writing this crap of a blog post.


Tomorrow morning I will tell you all about a project that I am soon to begin working on!


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