It all begins

Unbelievably random stories, opinions, likes, name it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So it all begins..

I contemplated the idea of starting a blog about a year ago and finally got around to it. And it was all inspired by the one and only, Barista Brat (from I really started to open up my mind and consider all the things I could possibly write about, and choosing only one topic really scared the crap out of me. So I thought to myself, "What the hell! Why not just blog about whatever I want, whenever I want!"

So here it past, my present, and my future spilt out on this page like a freshly made Caramel Frappuccino covering the inside of a grumpy customers car....FAIL! (on their part, but if you're being rude, I'm smiling a little inside)

So we'll start with MY LIKES:
          -God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit (doing my best to live for them)
          -winter, spring, summer, fall
          -FOOD and more food
          -music (pretty much anything)
          -30 Rock, The Office, Friends, Fresh Prince, The Food Channel
          -the ladies...
          -Starbucks...since i work there, obviously. (PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES!)
          -photography (you'll be seeing alot of this hopefully)
          -facebook (you're all liars if you say you don't)
          -blasting obnoxious music in the car with friends
          -loving people and my Starbucks customers
          -and of course, your mom
And now we head to MY DISLIKES:
          -anyone who makes fun of the fact that I have started a blog
          -genuinely rude and angry people
          -car problems
          -people who take up 3 parking spaces because they think they have a nice car
          -McDonald's lame attempt at replicating a Starbucks Frappuccino
          -girls who tan to the point of looking orange (the oompa loompa look)
          -being cut off on the road
          -being stopped at a train track (unless it involves friends and a chinese firedrill)

This is a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Try it before it's too late!

So obviously this is just the beginning. My blog will hopefully come with more organization....hopefully. But who really knows. The stories, opinions and other shenanigans will all be here soon!


1 comment:

  1. um where are the sprinkles on the pumpkin spice latte? somebody made it wrong...and you better not like my mom lol
