It all begins

Unbelievably random stories, opinions, likes, name it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

THIEF! THIEF! My Christmas past.

Ok, so let's be honest now. I'll tell you about how horrible of a child I was. Nobody ever believes me because I'm such a nice person, or so they tell me. So this story makes it even more fun to tell. When I was nine, I had a family that lived behind my house through a little patch of trees, and one Christmas, out of no where I decided to steal presents from their house. I didn't actually come up with a plan to steal from them, it was just one of those spur-of-the-moment type situations. I went over to their house and they went home, so I decided to walk in their UNLOCKED door. AGAIN, I barely remember most of this since it was 12 years ago, but going inside seemed like a good idea at the time. And if you know my family and how much my family procrastinates, you know that Christmas presents are not wrapped and placed under the tree until Christmas eve, because one of the nine kids in my family would most likely try and open them. I think I only stole 3 gifts. One being a dolphin clock (which I later went and rewrapped to give to my older sister), a #1 Dad coffee cup, and something else. I obviously wasn't a very good thief because the next morning, they noticed those gifts were missing, and then proceeded to follow my child size footprints from their back door to my house. Here comes Christmas morning, were all in the middle of opening presents at my house when the family knocks on our door. I was scared to death! I guess I offered them my gifts that I "bought" myself. They later called the cops on me. Police showed up. They scared me even more. My parents grounded me to my room for an entire day. Everyone found out about it and I was forever embarrassed about the whole thing. Since then, every Christmas we retell the story. It's become a nice Christmas ritual. But that part changed my life, because I turned into a really good kid. I never got in trouble in school, never got a detention, only an in-school suspension for forging my moms signature in third grade, but that was right before that christmas, so it's all good. I've received one speeding ticket, which actually isn't on my record because I paid for drivers Ed by myself and got a deferral for it. Oh yeah, and since that Christmas 11 or 12 years ago, my nickname has been the Grinch, thanks to my older brothers.

Oooooh man. I have many more stories that I will share later on. Peace out

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