It all begins

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dear Mother Nature, keep the snow to yourself!

          I have spoken before about my bi-polar customers, but today they are not an issue. This morning I woke up to the blinding sight of white. No, not my white ceiling, but the disgusting brightness of ....wait for it.....SNOW. And guess what tomorrows forecast calls for....60's and sunny. I guess that's what happens when your parents decide to breed in this place called South Bend, Indiana. It really isn't a bad place, especially if you like to enjoy all 4 seasons. But weeks like this make me want to swallow a bottle of Zoloft. One day, nice and sunny but cool--next day, nice and sunny, but warm--next day, SNOW. Now those bi-polar customers don't sound so bad.

          The snow only reminds me that the time is coming when I have to be shut in this house ALL THE DAMN TIME. I might die a little. I was really spoiled to be given 8 months of quietness away from my family. It was amazing. But now that I am back, for the most part, stress in terms of money is minimal. The fact that I don't have to worry about stretching a paycheck to last one entire month is a blessing....but it IS possible, and now I know that I can make money last. Sometimes I think I would trade $500 a month for it to be quiet again, but that's what you call 'family'. At almost any given time, you will find my mom, dad, Erika, Elisa, Samantha, Tyler, Seviryn, Aiyana, and Maile...along with a dog, 2 cats and 7 kittens in my house at once....oh and me. That is a crap load of talking, screaming creatures walking in a 2,000 square foot house! Erika and her 3 kids don't even live there! (hint hint..hahahaha) Just pointing that out because earlier today, without realizing it, I insulted my sister when I asked her when she was leaving with her kids...oh well sorry Erika. I love my family, I love my family.

          Now that my little frustrated lapse is over, I'm going to discuss a few awesome parts of a Starbucks winter. For one, it means far less frappuccinos, which for many many baristas means joy! I don't know why, but I would rather make a hot beverage over a frappuccino, hands down anytime....especially in a rush. Anything that requires you to walk away from the hot beverage bar towards the frappuccino bar is just an inconvenience. When I use to work the night shift (and no I'm not talking about a street corner job), my favorite parts were when people would come in to my Starbucks, and be filled with this cheer, a cheer that let everyone know that they loved life. And it was amazing to see people and their friends or family come in, order their favorite holiday drink (peppermint mocha, eggnog latte) and sit down and enjoy the night. It made me appreciate and further love my job. And if you want to really make us baristas happy...clean up after yourselves and put the chairs back to the appropriate tables. It makes our jobs easier and makes us like you more. Hey, maybe we'll take our sample tray to your table first so you can take the larger pieces of cranberry bliss bar :)

Today's words of advice: Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

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